Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sights from the Streets

I know I updated yesterday, or to be more specific, I updated around 3 in the morning here, but a thought occurred to me today.

I seem to be writing only when something of significance happens to me, such as moving in, a specific walk around the city, or my laundry situation.
Is this necessary? There are of course a cornucopia of things happening to me every day, even things I am not aware of at first. These observations and tiny moments have as much a right to be told as more monumental or amusing occurrences.

For example, there are a variety of things to observe while walking down the street that have become secondary to me, but might make someone unfamiliar with them go, “say whaa??”

Let's start with something simple: a trash can. It has a familiar shape, and is often found outside some apartments or in their internal courtyards (like mine). Used to deposit trash to be picked up later.

Too easy you say?

How about this one?

A public trash bag, all exactly alike in this city (as far as I can tell), and depending on the street, can range as close as several meters. These bags are replaced daily, so this city is fairly devoid of garbage piles.

 Still too obvious?

Ahh, signs then, perhaps? Here we have a mix of pedestrian crossing, do not enter, and towing zone.

Also, a lovely example of a street sign indicating its name, as they are posted on every corner of every street.

Still logical enough?

Okay smartypants...

Care to explain these?

Any guesses what this establishment could be?

A Pharmacy! The neon green cross is the symbol of a pharmacy here in France, and they are absolutely EVERYWHERE. The French love their pharmacy products.

Still not really sure what those red circular signs are...

Good grief! It's a dinosaur egg! It's a space pod! It's a ... recycling bin?
Bottles are disposed of in a very green fashion here.

 What the...?

This is actually a piece of art on the corner of a building, called a space invader. You can find out more about these installations here:

They are quite common in Europe and other places around the world evidently, and I myself have spotted 3 so far.

So there are many new and interesting things to see here every day! I haven't had the pleasure recently to go exploring much, but I surely will again. Well then, what have I been up to on my down time?

... what I would probably do on any ordinary rainy Saturday afternoon. Eat soup, listen to music, and play cards by myself. Yeah, not that exciting, but some days that's the way the cookie crumbles. 

But updates should get more interesting in the next few days while I am in the Alps!

À Bientôt!

1 comment:

  1. I actually think stuff like this is really cool. I went to israel with my dad several years ago and got kinda frustrated because i was fascinated with all the tiny differences between israel and the US, and he didn't really care.
