Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Top Ten Things I Have Seen in Paris So Far:

1.     Scarves
Scarves are so essential here! I wasn't sure I believed my mom when she told me I'd need scarves in Paris, but nearly EVERYONE wears them! All the time! Inside and out! I never used to wear scarves, but now I feel I can't leave the building without one!
2.     Sandwiches
Ahh yes. The common food for on the go. And really it's a staple in the U.S. as well, but I've never seen anything like this! Nearly everywhere there are stands, cafés and restaurants selling sandwiches! And not the square-loaf, white bread kind, we're talking full on baguettes here. I am going to turn into a sandwich.
3.     Soldes
It was at least a full day before I realized that this word posted on every surface was not a company, but the word sales. Riiiight, that makes much more sense. Almost everything is on sale right now, and I think will be until some point in February.
4.     Black Clothing
I have not seen a flashy dresser here. Not once. Ever. They are quite chic though.
5.     Leather shoes
They are on sale, everywhere, so pretty, I still could never afford them...
6.     Billets pour le Métro
Scattered everywhere, mostly on the actual Métro. These tickets are expensive, may need a pass soon.
7.     Cigarettes
Yeah, a lot of people smoke.
8.     Pigeons
It's a city. Enough said.
9.     Bars
On every corner, on every block. 
Drinks are so expensive, but the music can so rock. 
(and that's the extent of my rhyming capabilities at the moment, thank you)
10. Gyros
I. LOVE. GYROS. with frites!! 
More to come soon!
À Bientôt!

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes the scarves are necessary. I brought 6 with me to Santa Barbara!

    I want fries too?

    Did you get your residency permit yet?
